Before reading, I want to express the reason why I wrote this blog, which is pretty simple. This is to encourage everyone to maintain their health. I have no intention to intimidate anyone. I simply want to encourage you all to maintain your healthy habits.
Secondly, I do not rank the reasons. To me, those reasons are equally important for me and I just want to share with you all. Since I made it, I know you all can make it.
What motivates me to share the reason is when the hot summer finally hit southern California on 14th of July, I didn't feel too hot or break a sweat. And then, people said it's so hot. It got me puzzled and I checked my iPhone for the temperature. That's when my eyes popped wide open because it was 93 degrees.
In the past, I sweated easily if it's 85 degrees or warmer. But, on that day, I did not sweat and I thought it was 82 degrees! That made me realize how great I feel after a year of working out. Therefore, it inspires me to share with you all.
1) Coping with hot weather easily! With weight loss, you will be able to deal with hot weather a lot better. Don't forget that it will save you a lot of money from electricity bill or gas from using AC in your car during hot weather.
2) Better mental alert! With workout as part of your routines, you will be able to notice that your mind works much better.
3) More energy boost! Oh man, I remembered those days I played with my nephews and I got so tired easily until I made a strong commitment to weight loss. That's when I realized that I lasted much longer and made it at the end of the day without a nap!
4) Save a lot of money! How can losing weight save me money? The answer is simple - less food to spend, less medicines to pay, and save your trips to see a doctor. That's true. I have been noticing myself that I don't need any more medicines comparing to last year. In addition, my friend finally joined the gym by my persuasion and she came to me one day saying that she noticed that she did not need to take Advil, which she normally do daily.
5) Better self-image! It's not about showing off yourself to people, but it's about looking in the mirror and feel proud of your achievement! Being in a good shape will show everyone how much you really take care of yourself. It will make yourself looking healthy and strong,
As you see, I can't really think of good reasons why to gain weight. I posted a picture above showing myself BEFORE and AFTER. It's clear that I looked older and unhealthy in BEFORE, comparing to AFTER.
By the way, to share my short story how I began losing my weight, it was that day I visited to see my doctor. My doctor wrote a simple note, "You are a little bit overweight. You need to watch your weight." That message really struck me and I did not really like what my doctor said, but at the same time, I realized I denied for a long time about my weight. Immediately, I set my goal on first day by researching about methods to lose my weight.
Truth be told, it's really hard at first because many friends of mine said, "Ohhh, good luck!" The others said, "Well, try your best." It's not that I blamed them. It's because it's rare to see people keeping their words nowadays. The point is that when my doctor said about my weight - it hit me that I did not really take care of my body. I did some research on Google about overweight and I was stunned to see that being overweight will cause issues on heart, liver, blood pressure, and you name it. If it doesn't affect in age of 20-40, it will be a big consequence in age of 50 or more. It will lead to taking more and more medicines.
Because of that, I became so determined to change my eating habit and my workout habit. It took me 10 months to achieve. Lately, many friends of mine were stunned to see the big transformation I succeed.
In the next blog, I will share with you all how I did with my eating habit and my workout. But, the purpose of this blog is to encourage you all to reconsider about your health, self-image, and true happiness. It's about investing your health in your future.
What I am trying to say is that each one of you out there is beautiful as long as you are taking care of yourself. There are a lot of benefits in maintaining your health daily, including happiness and better lifestyle.
Remember those movies or TV shows that show a person winning at the finish line with a joy on his/her face? That's how I felt when I reached the finish line and I am still maintaining my health daily.
Stay healthy and keep warm! :-)